
Sohee Ha - HRNK

Sohee Ha

Sohee Ha

Research Intern
  • Winter 2018 - Summer 2018

Sohee Ha studies Politics and Diplomacy at Sungshin Women’s University. She is interested in learning about how to maintain positive diplomatic relationships between countries in order to prevent international conflicts. Her long-term goal is to get a Ph.D. in the field of peace and security and later become a political analyst. She welcomes the opportunity to learn and grow with her work at HRNK. Before earning her Bachelor’s degree in Korea, she came to the U.S. to learn how DC reacts to a continuously shifting international environment, particularly regarding North Korea. She wants to gain insights into and an understanding of peace and security on the Korean peninsula by working at HRNK. She is especially looking forward to addressing the various themes and issues, such as effects of sanctions against North Korea, nuclear deterrence, and various approaches for human rights in North Korea.