
Kathryn Wernke - HRNK

Kathryn Wernke

Kathryn Wernke

Research Intern
  • Summer 2020 - Winter 2021

Kathryn Wernke is a second year MA student at Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in International Relations and International Economics. She focuses her studies on political risk, security, and East Asia. Her past research topics include North Korean human rights issues, North Korean transnational advocacy networks, East Asian regional security, and the U.S.-South Korean military alliance.

In 2017, Kathryn received her BA in International Studies concentrating in diplomacy and East Asian studies from Miami University, where she studied Korean language, history, and relations. She has studied abroad twice at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea in 2015 and 2018–2019. She hopes, through this internship, to further her knowledge about North Korean human rights issues and to gain experience in the professional human rights field.