
Soohyun Chang

Soohyun Chang is a senior at Kyungpook National University majoring in history. As North Korea is an important element in our history, I have always been interested in it. During our humanities courses at the Asan Academy, we participated in a special lecture about unification between the two Koreas and multiculturalism with Professor Seongchun Park from Seoul National University in the Department of Ethics and Education. After this course, I became even more interested in North Korea and unification issues. I hope to gather and attain information, research, and knowledge in order to figure out a way for us to help make their lives better at HRNK.


Internship Application

Successful applicants will undergo a formal interview process before being offered an internship. Applications will be processed on a rolling basis. We strongly recommend that applicants apply at least 3 months prior to their anticipated start date. Internships are typically unpaid, but academic credit is honored. A minimum commitment of 20 working hours per week is preferred. Please upload your documents in the .doc format. 

Submission Success

Thank you. We will be in touch soon.