Dear Friends and Colleagues,
HRNK is deeply saddened by the passing of our founding Board member and former Co-Chair Richard Vincent Allen on Saturday, November 16, age 88. The Honorable Richard V. Allen served in the administration of President Ronald Reagan as U.S. National Security Advisor. Throughout many decades, he continued to be a top foreign policy expert with the Hoover Institution and the Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS). A great friend of the Republic of Korea and its people, The Honorable Richard V. Allen played a critical role in the deepening and strengthening of U.S.-ROK relations.
Together with other human rights luminaries, The Honorable Richard V. Allen founded the U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea (HRNK) in 2001 and served as Co-Chair of our organization. The vision he and our other founders put forth for a human rights upfront approach to the Korean peninsula conundrum continues to be a guiding light providing our organization a firm sense of direction today.
HRNK Co-Chair Katrina Lantos Swett stated that “Dick Allen was a man of great patriotism who worked to advance the cause of freedom and democracy in every corner of the world. He was also a warm and witty friend who extended kindness and courtesy to those of us fortunate enough to know him.” She further added: “He will be missed.”
Carl Gershman, HRNK founding Board member and former President of the National Endowment for Democracy pointed out that “Dick Allen laid the foundation for the Reagan Administration’s foreign policy at a pivotal moment in world history. He significantly contributed to the movement for greater freedom in the world.”
Ambassador Paula Dobriansky, HRNK Board member, said: “During the Reagan Administration as a member of the NSC staff, I had the privilege of working with then National Security Adviser Richard V. Allen. He was a man of great integrity, strategic vision, and a champion of human freedom. He had an indelible impact on the lives of so many. I will miss him.”
Greg Scarlatoiu, President and CEO of HRNK said: “The Honorable Richard V. Allen was a true visionary and icon of U.S. foreign policy. I used to hear his name a lot while listening to Voice of America and Radio Free Europe, growing up on the other side of the Iron Curtain. It was amazing and humbling to know that he later became a great friend and mentor, who believed in me and played a critical role in my professional and personal development. We have lost a great American hero and one of the defining thought leaders of American foreign policy, HRNK and our mission. We will continue to honor his legacy and vision. We will continue our good fight to bring freedom, democracy, and human rights to the people of North Korea.”