Brian Delmolino is currently working toward his M.A. in International Affairs at American University’s School of International Service with a regional focus on East Asia and more specifically, the Korean Peninsula. His […]
Ho-Young Kim is currently pursuing a B.A. in English Literature at Chung-Ang University. He became concerned with human rights issues while teaching low-income children through a program supported by the Korean […]
Caitlin White is a Master’s student at Georgetown University focusing on Conflict Resolution and Refugee and Humanitarian Emergencies. She received a B.A. in International Studies with a concentration in Peace […]
Jason Bartlett graduated from SUNY Oneonta with a dual degree in International Relations and Foreign Languages with regional concentrations in East Asia and Latin America, and language concentrations in Korean and […]
Kasey Buecheler received a dual Bachelor’s Degree in Dance and Asian Studies along with a minor in Korean from the University at Buffalo. She is currently pursuing a Master’s degree […]
Soohyun Chang is a senior at Kyungpook National University majoring in history. As North Korea is an important element in our history, I have always been interested in it. During our humanities […]
Siyeal Lee is a senior at Hanyang University, located in Seoul, South Korea. He is majoring in policy studies and specializing in law, politics, and international development. He hopes to be […]
Kayla (Yeo-Eun) Yoon is a rising senior at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, majoring in culture and politics with a concentration on human rights, multiculturalism, and economic justice. Her […]